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Santa School
by Nic Antaya

"Each year, Santa Clauses and Mrs. Clauses from across the nation gather to learn the fine art of personifying Christmas at the Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School in Midland, Michigan. They arrive already looking the part - but being the embodiment of Christmas spirit is more than a beard as white as snow. The student Santas learn everything from how to care for their beards and costumes, how to keep their reindeer healthy and how to create magical interactions with children. 

This is the story of how great Santas are made."

I was approached to help create a book as whimsical and magical as the images that would be filling it - so that's just what we did! This book showcases Nic Antaya's images within a holiday color palette, with storybook-inspired page numbers & frames around the images, and even a "centerfold" of Santa portraits!

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publication design // art direction

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